Monday, December 27, 2010


James was baptized the day after Christmas at Holy Spirit - a big thank you for everyone who came. We know the holidays are crazy and making time for us really means a lot. Thank for you being a part of our village.

James and his wonderful Godparents

Santa time

James first Christmas was a huge success - except for the part of John and I being crazy sick and sleeping most of the day! He even loved seeing Santa a few days earlier and couldnt take his eyes off of him (but I think it was more the crazy looking beard that did it). We hope everyone had a wonderful and happy Christmas!

Our Christmas 2010 family picture :)
Already annoyed from all the picture taking

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nap Time

On Sunday I put James down for his afternoon nap - and he only fussed for like 30 seconds! I cant even explain how happy that made me, FINALLY he gets it and FINALLY he realizes that he really is tired and that naps are important. I cracked open his door just to check on my little sleeping angel ...

DOH!! So much for nap time!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Finished our Christmas shopping! Now we just need to wrap everything...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day with Daddy


James first snow was a big one - 10 inches in half a day! We had to bring out his long johns :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

little devil

Courtesy of my mom, James can now wear an outfit that matches his personality :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

“I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food”

We trying to get James to feed himself as much as possible because we know its supposed to be a big part of learning and growing. But bath time is getting to be a little too frequent!

It starts like this - not too bad...

and then in half a second he looks like this!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December

James is laughing at me, the mom who when she was pregnant decided that she wouldn't be one of those moms who bought every cute little toy she saw. I really don't know how it happened - but the other night I realized that James was surrounded by way too many toys that he could play with... and the same time I realized this, James got this gleeful look on his face that is the same look that John gets when he wins a euchre hand.

Thanks Gretchen!

Gretchen sent me the rest of James pictures from her shoot with him last month. I think they turned out really nice, but it totally confirms that he has no neck!


 This is one of my favorites - this is such a "John" look!