Saturday, May 23, 2015

Preschool Graduation

Yesterday was James' last day of preschool, and it was very bittersweet. He is very ready to go to kindergarten but he is having a hard time understanding that none of his friends will be going with him. We will still see his closest friends over summer and I know once school starts in the fall he will make fast friends, but it is hard to watch him struggle with it now.

Since we have decided to send Madeleine to a different preschool, it was hard for us to say goodbye to the wonderful teachers that have had such an impact on James. It will always hold a special place in our hearts. 
This morning when we all got up, James asked how many days until school starts... when I told him about 100 days and explained summer vacation to him - he got all excited and asked if we could spend those 100 days at the beach. Kid after my own heart!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Random Spring pictures!

Johns cousin Mitch plays Quidditch for Ohio State and their World Cup tournament was in Charlotte, so we were able to go see him play. It was really fun to watch and James LOVED it!

Ben and Jerrys had a free ice cream cone day - so after school several friends met us over there! It was a fun little treat for all the kids.

At the kids museum one day.

For Easter, we got the kids caterpillars and watched them turn into butterflies. The kids really enjoyed having them for those few weeks, but they really loved watching them fly away.

James drew Spiderman, and I just thought it was so cute - he really has no idea who Spiderman is, but he got a sticker book filled with superheroes for his birthday and just started drawing.

A few weeks ago we went strawberry picking with some friends, this is always a huge hit with the kids - I think they eat as many as we pick... thank goodness its an all you can pick for one price kinda place or else I would feel really guilty!

This is their "We love strawberry" cheer - every time I asked them to smile they would throw up their hands and cheer! I think they were on a strawberry high.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Last week, we drove down to Walt Disney World and met up with Nana and Uncle Ross. It was a crazy whirlwind 4 days - but filled with many special memories. Madeleine was in awe of everything and James just loved all of the rides. Here are just a handful of pictures from our trip.