Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My Madeleine

My sweet, spunky, smart, beautiful, witty, imaginative, courageous, caring and inspiring firecracker of a daughter - today you turn 6. 
Everything about you is BIG - your personality, your vocabulary, your creativity. And maybe your temper too. But that's ok, we're working on that, along with making my patience, well, bigger as well.
Another thing that is BIG is your heart. You are so full of kindness and generosity. It is a joy to see. This past year, you have truly grown into the role of being a big sister. You and James have always had an incredible bond and are thick as thieves - but this year you have brought Matthias into the fold as well. You take care of him and love on him and always make sure he is included. He could not have a better big sister looking out for him. 
This year you went to kindergarten and entered the new world of "real" school. The sheer amount of knowledge that you learned this year is astonishing. At your kindergarten graduation you even won a reading award because you were the highest level reader out of 100 kids. You did tell me later the night that you were disappointed you did not win the most fashionable award (which isn't even an award). I hope you know that you are the most fashionable in our house and that should count for something!

You have always been independent and confident but this year you have added determination to your already strong personality. Earlier this year, you walked outside and demanded I take your training wheels off of your bike. When I tried to help you ride on two wheels you told me "I got this" and after ten minutes you were riding around the block chasing James on his bike. You rocked it. And that pretty much sums up this entire year, you rocked it all. 
You still love the arts - singing, dancing, drawing. You are so purposeful in your movements and it can be quite beautiful. I'm actually totally amazed with your artistic ability. That is something that definitely didn't come from me and I want to encourage you and help foster your love of it. You are constantly coloring, drawing and creating. I have a new picture or creation for your art folder every day. 
I love that you still want to snuggle. You give hugs and kisses out like candy to me and Daddy and I don't take that for granted. I can still pick you up and there's nothing better than having your arms and legs wrapped around me. My heart smiles every time you say "Hey Mama, I love you".  Because I love you too, so much more than you can even comprehend. 
You continue to befuddle me, challenge me, delight me, and make me fall in love with you all over again. You are responsible for more than a few gray hairs on my head, and I wouldn't give them up for a minute. 
Happy Birthday sweet girl.
I love you to bits. 