Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas was great, I don't think John or I expected too much out of James this year because he still does not really get the whole Santa/gifts idea - so we just wanted to take it easy and have a nice day together. After James went to bed Christmas Ever, we put together all of the toys and made sure everything was under the tree. We even watched Die Hard, because as John puts it - it is the perfect Christmas movie.

When James woke up in the morning, we had breakfast like normal - it wasn't until he was almost all the way done did he notice all of the gifts. His eyes lit up and he started talking a mile a minute. James loved opening all the presents - anything that was clothing he wanted to try on right then (I think at one point he had on two hats, a scarf and two shirts on over his PJ's) He played with everything and really had a blast. I was worried that he would get overwhelmed or only want to play with one toy, but he didn't - he loved all of them and lined them all up so he could play with them all at once.

It was a tiring day for sure, but watching James really get to enjoy Christmas was awesome. We cant wait for next year, it will get even better. And yes, he has a black eye. It looks even worse now than it did yesterday. Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 19, 2011


This year I have not gotten into the Christmas spirit at all - and even have been a little Scrooge-like. It has not been intentional at all, and I've even been listening to Christmas music at work, I've just not gotten into the holiday like I usually do. At first I thought it was because we weren't really doing anything on Christmas (we are staying home and just spending it with the three of us) but that can't be it since I'm really looking forward to not traveling and just getting to relax and cook and stay in PJ's all day. Then I thought it was because we aren't putting a tree or decorations up (we really have no room in our little rental) but this weekend John and I decided that we should put the tree up. We would be terrible parents if we don't. But still - no Christmas spirit. We even stayed up late and wrapped all the presents this weekend. Nada. Yesterday, we ended up running some errands and saw how everyone else was so excited that Christmas was in a week and John just looked at me with a look that said "What is wrong with us?". Then it hit me - how can it be Christmas and still be 70 degrees out? I'm not complaining at all (last year we had over 2 feet of snow by now and John was cursing every time he had to go out to shovel snow... which was every day, twice a day) but this weather has really messed with our heads. Hopefully by next year we will have gotten accustomed to weather a little more and can jump right in to the holidays with much more gusto. Its hard to think of it as Christmas when we haven't even busted out our winter coats. But this week it is going to stay in the high 60s and really, that is just wonderful. Its just going to take a little time to get used to it and getting over being a Scrooge.

Our little tree, with no decoration. We did lights but couldnt find the decorations in our storage unit - those will just have to wait until next year.

After a long day of shopping... I will miss being able to Christmas shop for James while he is with us. Next year we will have to get sneaky.

He is so proud of himself - and the dogs were thrilled.

Snuggling after work/school - doesn't get much better than this.

James is constantly trying to get the dogs to climb under his table with him, but they really cant fit. No matter much James tries, it just isn't going to happen.

Gotta love Legos. We have an awesome Lego store by us and are slowly accumulating every different set. I think John gets a bigger kick out of building things than James does sometimes.

When reading to James, he has to be sitting on you - usually its in your lap, but on the occasion when you are laying down or slouched a little he will climb right up and sit on you - he doesn't care if its your lap, chest or face.

What a ham.
Maybe I should make some Christmas cookies tonight... I bet that will help me get in the mood ;)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When we got home from Ohio, we had a ton of mail to sort through. Lots of junk mail and bills and Holiday catalogs - but we also got our pictures! We had a very hard time picking through all the pictures when we were sent the proofs a few weeks ago, so we ended up just getting them all. Some were funny, some were endearing and some were just ones we couldn't say no to - it was just impossible to pick only a handful.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving extravaganza

Last Monday we headed back to Columbus for Thanksgiving - we were thrilled to be able to see all of our family and friends but at the same time dreading living out of suitcases for a week while trying to corral a toddler in non-toddler-proof homes. All in all it was a great visit filled with lots of wonderful memories. James did extraordinary (even if he did live off of  bread and chocolate most of the week). We were both beyond impressed with the car ride there and back - he was a champ. I think Sesame Street and our portable DVD player gets all the credit for that though... and as a side note, I can now recite the 1978 Sesame Street Christmas Eve special by heart, word for word.

James ended up going to 7 different homes over the course of the week, and after getting over a little initial shyness he ended up being great everywhere and I think he really enjoyed himself. When we finally got home on Sunday night, he was half asleep. I put him down in our hallway and he just started squealing. John and I froze - we had no idea what was going on. Then he started laughing and doing the funniest little happy dance. He was thrilled to be home. After a few victory laps around our first floor he was ready to go to bed, and he slept hard. We all did.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Two thoughts

One - last week we were able to see the rest of our family pictures and they are awesome! I just finished ordering them all and I cannot wait to get them :) They turned out so much better than I could have imagined!

Second - We are finally heading back home to Ohio! This has been the longest we have been away from Columbus, a little over three months. We will be there for a week - and so we have been packing and figuring out what we need to take with us... a little crazy and stressful, but it is so worth it. I can't wait to see all of our family and friends. I don't think anyone is expecting how much James has grown and changed, he has completely turned into a little terror toddler, one minute giving hugs and the next screaming while running around the house. AND we will be in town for the Michigan game :) Double yay!! Look out Columbus - here we come!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Our very talented friend, Cindy, hand painted a personalized table and set of chairs for James - and of course it is Buckeye themed. He LOVES it and so do we! The table is modeled after the Buckeye helmet and the chairs are like a jersey - with Siefert and the number 28 on it (for James' March 28th birthday). Cindy really did an incredible job. 

When she went to get the paint, there is Ohio State red and Ohio State gray! It cannot get more official than that! At first it was just going to be a play table, somewhere James can play with his puzzles and blocks - but when he went over there and sat down with his snack instead of the kitchen table we decided that he could also have a snack there. He tried it again at dinner time but once he realized that his food was still at the kitchen table he reluctantly joined us in the kitchen. I think he would live at that table if we would let him. And I can't blame him, it is the perfect size!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Family Pictures

Last weekend we had our first family photos taken. James was super shy and totally out of his element... well until we got to the leaves and waterfall and then he turned into a complete little boy! About halfway through, I looked over at him and noticed that there was what looked like snot coming out of his ear - which is obviously not normal. He was acting fine and didn't seem to have a temperature so we finished the session and headed home. The next day John took James to the doctor and it turns out he had a double ear infection and a burst ear drum.The doctor was shocked that he was acting like nothing was bothering him. Looks like he has my pain tolerance!

Anyways, here is a sneak peak that our photographer sent us - we didn't get too many smiles out of James. But he didn't cry either, so we will take that as a win and consider our first family photos a success!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

John and I love sushi and before James we used to go out for sushi several times a month and have a wonderful time. After James came along, we really cut back and resorted to take out because most sushi restaurants are not kid friendly - and we didn't want to be that couple taking a baby to a hipster spot and get all sorts of dirty looks which makes us eat as fast as we can just to hurry home. Last weekend, we found this awesome Japanese restaurant that is authentic, family friendly and just a lot of fun. Eating out with James is sometimes a challenge just because he is not the most patient  kid when it comes to eating - when he is hungry he lets you know, and will not stop letting you know until he gets fed. And he is usually always hungry. John and I end up coming up with all sorts of games or distractions when we are waiting for our food.

When we are really lucky there are other people sitting next to us that will hold his attention for the first few minutes while we get settled and move ALL the condiments, menus and other table decorations out of his reach.

Then we usually let him drink some water and play with his straw.

Then starts the games.

"James, Give Daddy a kiss!"

"James, Tell Daddy a secret"


"James, Where is your head?"

"James, Where is your nose?"

"James, Where is Daddy's nose?"

"James, Where is Mommy's nose?"

This Japanese restaurant has an awesome kids menu and even has kid chopsticks (they are chopsticks with a rubber-band tied around the bottom to help beginners lean). And since John and I use them, James had to have his own as well.

Started with the wrong end of the chopsticks
Got the right end of the chopsticks, but still wants to use the fork
Stabbing the chicken was much easier than pinching it
Can't stab the rice though...
Had a few dropped pieces but practice makes perfect
By the end of dinner, James was a pro
And to prove to us that he was eating - he had to show us that there was nothing left in his mouth.

He was so proud of himself - a very cool moment to witness, when he realizes what he just did.

Did you see that?? Whoa!

 He clapped for himself after every bite, and so did we.