John and I love sushi and before James we used to go out for sushi several times a month and have a wonderful time. After James came along, we really cut back and resorted to take out because most sushi restaurants are not kid friendly - and we didn't want to be that couple taking a baby to a hipster spot and get all sorts of dirty looks which makes us eat as fast as we can just to hurry home. Last weekend, we found this awesome Japanese restaurant that is authentic, family friendly and just a lot of fun. Eating out with James is sometimes a challenge just because he is not the most patient kid when it comes to eating - when he is hungry he lets you know, and will not stop letting you know until he gets fed. And he is usually always hungry. John and I end up coming up with all sorts of games or distractions when we are waiting for our food.
When we are really lucky there are other people sitting next to us that will hold his attention for the first few minutes while we get settled and move ALL the condiments, menus and other table decorations out of his reach.
Then we usually let him drink some water and play with his straw.
Then starts the games.
"James, Give Daddy a kiss!"
"James, Tell Daddy a secret"
"James, Where is your head?"
"James, Where is your nose?"
"James, Where is Daddy's nose?"
"James, Where is Mommy's nose?"
This Japanese restaurant has an awesome kids menu and even has kid chopsticks (they are chopsticks with a rubber-band tied around the bottom to help beginners lean). And since John and I use them, James had to have his own as well.
Started with the wrong end of the chopsticks |
Got the right end of the chopsticks, but still wants to use the fork |
Stabbing the chicken was much easier than pinching it |
Can't stab the rice though... |
Success! |
Had a few dropped pieces but practice makes perfect |
By the end of dinner, James was a pro |
And to prove to us that he was eating - he had to show us that there was nothing left in his mouth.
He was so proud of himself - a very cool moment to witness, when he realizes what he just did.
Did you see that?? Whoa! |
He clapped for himself after every bite, and so did we.