This year I have not gotten into the Christmas spirit at all - and even have been a little Scrooge-like. It has not been intentional at all, and I've even been listening to Christmas music at work, I've just not gotten into the holiday like I usually do. At first I thought it was because we weren't really doing anything on Christmas (we are staying home and just spending it with the three of us) but that can't be it since I'm really looking forward to not traveling and just getting to relax and cook and stay in PJ's all day. Then I thought it was because we aren't putting a tree or decorations up (we really have no room in our little rental) but this weekend John and I decided that we should put the tree up. We would be terrible parents if we don't. But still - no Christmas spirit. We even stayed up late and wrapped all the presents this weekend. Nada. Yesterday, we ended up running some errands and saw how everyone else was so excited that Christmas was in a week and John just looked at me with a look that said "What is wrong with us?". Then it hit me - how can it be Christmas and still be 70 degrees out? I'm not complaining at all (last year we had over 2 feet of snow by now and John was cursing every time he had to go out to shovel snow... which was every day, twice a day) but this weather has really messed with our heads. Hopefully by next year we will have gotten accustomed to weather a little more and can jump right in to the holidays with much more gusto. Its hard to think of it as Christmas when we haven't even busted out our winter coats. But this week it is going to stay in the high 60s and really, that is just wonderful. Its just going to take a little time to get used to it and getting over being a Scrooge.
Our little tree, with no decoration. We did lights but couldnt find the decorations in our storage unit - those will just have to wait until next year. |
After a long day of shopping... I will miss being able to Christmas shop for James while he is with us. Next year we will have to get sneaky. |
He is so proud of himself - and the dogs were thrilled. |
Snuggling after work/school - doesn't get much better than this. |
James is constantly trying to get the dogs to climb under his table with him, but they really cant fit. No matter much James tries, it just isn't going to happen. |
Gotta love Legos. We have an awesome Lego store by us and are slowly accumulating every different set. I think John gets a bigger kick out of building things than James does sometimes. |
When reading to James, he has to be sitting on you - usually its in your lap, but on the occasion when you are laying down or slouched a little he will climb right up and sit on you - he doesn't care if its your lap, chest or face. |
What a ham. |
Maybe I should make some Christmas cookies tonight... I bet that will help me get in the mood ;)
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