Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Everyone says you don't just marry someone, you marry their family. When I married John, I lucked out - I became part of a huge, loud, loving family. Usually they do not need a reason to get together, but last week my father-in-law, Steve, retired from the Air Force National Guard. He proudly served for 28 years and we all were fortunate enough to come together and see him land his last flight.

After Steve landed, there were um... traditions that took place. He was soaked by the time he was able to sit down - in a wheelchair.

I cannot even begin to describe how blessed I feel to be so welcomed within the Siefert family, but then to watch the family grow as all of the guard comes together is just something that is indescribable. It was something very special to be apart of - these guys are a family within themselves. They laugh, love, grieve and live together.  Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.  Whatever you call it, whoever you are, everyone needs one.

The celebration continued with more family and friends.

With a bonfire and fireworks ending the night, it was an amazing party filled with lots of celebrating and the telling of many stories.

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