Wednesday, June 20, 2012

These past two months have been a whirlwind. John went to Australia for two weeks, we moved into our new house, went back to Ohio for a wedding and have been trying to prepare ourselves and James for the new baby - and of course just the normal day to day stuff. Hopefully things will settle down soon and we will be able to fall back into a routine of some sort. With the baby coming in three weeks, I am not really counting on any sense of normalcy for awhile - but I can dream!

Our neighborhood pool is great, very kid friendly with a big section thats only a foot deep with fountains for them to play in - however, James doesn't like that area. He wants us to take him to the deep end where we have to hold him (and heaven forbid we try and put floaties on him or give him an inner tube)

 What we wake up to,  our very hungry three boys staring us down.

He is such a ham!
Eating breakfast at his OSU table has become his thing, I dont know how that happened but it did and you can tell he feels like a big boy sitting and eating by himself. He is very proud of himself.
  He is his mother's son, pickles are a staple in his diet :)

Blowing bubbles, he cant decide which is more fun - blowing them or chasing them. Either way, it is always a good time.

I'm not sure how much more will get posted before the baby comes, but at least now I have gotten my camera out of the closet... that's a good step!

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