We are now officially a family of four! I know it has not even been a week yet, but already John and I can't imagine our family without Madeleine. She is absolutely perfect, just like her big brother. When James was born, we could tell right away that he looked just like John (and anyone who saw James as an infant can agree that he was John's spitting image) But as far as we can tell, Madeleine doesn't take after either one of us yet. However, when she was born, she was screaming and pitching such a fit that my delivery nurse commented that she had my personality ;) But really, it was almost 4am and I had no drugs... so I think I was allowed to be a little cranky. Just saying. After that, she calmed down and has been the sweetest thing. Sleeping and cuddling and being precious. We are soaking up this time with her now because before long she is going to be a chasing James around - it goes by way too fast!

We had a wonderful hospital stay, but after being on bed rest for almost a week before she was born - I was ready for some freedom. Plus, I can only take so much of the hospital food without going nuts. We were able to get home and get settled before John picked James up from daycare which was perfect. We weren't sure how he was going to respond so we wanted to make sure we could give him all of out attention. Turns out, he fell in love with her just as fast as we did. I think that might change once she starts playing with his toys - but for right now, life is good.
James kept thanking me for bringing home his baby. He cant/wont say sister or even try to say Madeleine, just calls her his baby.
Thank you to everyone, we are really blessed to have so much support and love in our lives.
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