Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Photo Dump

Tonight I took the kids over to our neighbors house and let the boys play with some water - we gave them some water guns and filled up a baby pool. It was in the high 80s and we thought it was a perfect way to end the day.

And then after dinner James got a popsicle for the walk home, only he wanted to ride his bike home... so he had to do a little maneuvering.

Addy has started trying to walk - and just ends up flat on her face. But at least she is trying. She is pulling herself up on everything and cruising around, so she will get the hang of it soon.

Last night James wanted to wait for his daddy to come home, but John is out of town for the next week and a half - it was a rough night. James ended up falling asleep in the hallway waiting for John. I moved him back into his bed but sometime in the middle of the night he moved back into the hall.

We had almost 20 big pine trees removed from our backyard. James and his friend loved watching the whole process. And it was really cool for the adults to watch too.

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