Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The weather has been perfect and since school is out, all the neighborhood kids are home. I know I have mentioned this several times, but our street is just awesome. Seeing all the kids home and playing in the street is just so much fun. We have been constantly outside just enjoying the first weeks of summer.

Again, James is sleeping on the stairs. We have started shutting his door for bedtime because we can hear it squeak open when he sneaks out. So far, after this night, we have been able to tuck him back in bed each time he attempts to sleep on the stairs. I am hoping this phase ends soon.

This used to be James' old toy piano. Madeleine likes to play it while she stands up - James keeps telling her she is doing it wrong. We just tell him that she likes to rock out while she plays.

Building with duplos is one activity that all three of them can do without fighting :)

We went to Lake Norman and had a picnic with some friends - throwing sticks and rocks in the water never gets old.

Splash park!

Twice last week, we went to the neighborhood pool after John got home from work and just ordered a pizza and had it delivered there. It was awesome :)

After dinner we have been taking walks or going for bike rides. When we walk, James has been helping walk the dogs. He has gotten very good.

What is it with babies and making messes??

Yesterday was James' first day of camp. It is all week and he was very excited. He came home and asked when he was going back. This camp is at his preschool next year, so I am taking that as an excellent sign that he will love preschool. One of his teachers at the camp will be his teacher during the year and he already is calling her his new friend. We of course had to take a picture before he left - I should have taken one when he got home though. I ended up stripping him in the garage he was so covered in mud! But at least he had fun.

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