Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A letter to my daughter

My Beautiful Addy,

Today, we celebrate a year of you. Where has the time gone? When did you become a year old? There are moments I still feel you dancing in my belly or nuzzling your tiny face into the nape of neck as I rock you. You are and will always be my baby. I have loved every minute of our time together.

At 35 weeks, you wanted to burst into the world but the doctor thought you needed a little more time. I was in pre-term labor with you, in and out of the hospital for 2 weeks. Once we reached 37 weeks, you came with ease, quickly and gracefully. You danced your way out of me with your perfect little body and gorgeous face. Before I even saw your face, I already knew who you were. You have always listened to your needs and you are not afraid to make them known. I honor that about you.

You are a quiet, observant spirit. You watch. You are a calculated master at making your moves appear fluidly spontaneously. How do you do that? Your take your time and then you jump in, completely. Everything you do, you make look effortless because you took the time to learn, to watch and to know first. I've watched you grow this way, from eating to crawling to playing alongside your brother.  You have amazed us every single day since your tiny beginning by the rapidity with which you have grown and learned and developed.  

You love your Daddy, oh do you love your Daddy. He adores you and you adore him right back. I am thankful for that. I don't have to worry about men taking advantage of you because you will never let them. You have a man in your life that has set the bar high for all the rest. Don't settle for anyone less that the extraordinary example your father has set for you.

You absolutely idolize your brother. You think he is the best. You want to do everything he does, go everywhere he goes, play what he plays, sit where he sits. To say that you love him is definitely an understatement. Your face just lights up when you see him. It is so heartwarming to actually see the love between you two. Your love each other so much. I have never seen arguments escalate the way and you and his do, yet you make up faster than the fights first ignite. You were made for each other, a perfect balance, yin and yang. I hope you always stay this way. Fight and make up, always make up, please. I feel blessed to watch vicariously as you intertwine your lives as siblings, as friends. You have a partner, a witness to your life in each other. Take care of your relationship, your bond. Love each other and hold your differences as a gift not a disadvantage. Help one another through life.

The joy that you have brought to your Daddy and me is beyond measure. We love you more than we thought possible and feel truly blessed that we were choosen to be your parents. Thank you for being ours. 

Happy Birthday, my sweet baby girl. Always remember how loved you are.

Love, Mama

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