Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weekend with Daddy

Last weekend, I went to Kiawah Island with several girlfriends and we all left our kids home with the Dads... I do not really know what happened, but I know when we got home all the kids were exhausted. John did send me a few pictures throughout the weekend to let me know that everyone was still alive. And while I missed them all very much, I was still enjoyed the fact that I could sit on the beach with a mimosa and not have to think about anything else.

James said they went to the park and he got to help Madeleine - which he was very proud of.

She has started taking tentative steps. Watching a baby take those first wobbly steps is one of my favorite moments as a parent. It really is such a huge milestone and turning point.

I am not sure what was going on here, but I got several of these pictures sent to me so obviously her being in the push cart was a common theme this weekend.


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