Friday, March 28, 2014

My sweet, rambunctious 4 yr old boy

I cannot wrap my head around the face that you are 4 years old today. How is it even possible? It feels like just yesterday I was writing a blog post for your first birthday. A minute ago we celebrating the fact that your feet can reach the pedals on your tricycle - and now? You're totally fearless, a true thrill seeker. You climb the highest points of the playground, you love jumping and wrestling and throwing yourself headfirst into anything physical, you are always doing something to make me nervous - and you know it too. Pushing the boundaries, being a boy. I love it.

A few months ago it hit my how independent you have become. You don't need me for everything anymore, and that's hard on a mom. I thought parenting would become easier.... and it has in many ways, but sometimes I miss the days when you couldn't do anything without me. Seeing you grow into this well-mannered, smart, kind-hearted, loving preschool, making friends on your own, developing your own identity, your own jokes, your own laugh, a great imagination... I love the person you have become, but can you please slow down a little? I'm not nearly as ready for you to grow up as you are.

For as much of a rough and tumble boy you are, you have the biggest, kindest heart. You are always helping your sister or other smaller kids, always befriending the kids who are playing by themselves at school or the playground, always making sure that everyone is included. My birthday wish for you is that the kind heart that I see in you now, stays firmly in place. Keep it, nurture it, handle it with care.

You have changed my world in too many ways to count - but all for the better. I cannot wait to see what joyous moments this next year brings.


Friday, March 21, 2014

James' Art Show

Last weekend, James' preschool hosted an art show for the kids to show off some of their art. The kids got to pick what medium of art they wanted to use (paint, clay, wood...),  they then matted the art, named their pieces and set their prices. And then during the art show, the kids worked the snack bar, gave tours and worked the cash register. It was so cool to see how proud they all were of what they accomplished.

I asked James to point to his favorite one... he said all of them :)

Madeleine pretty much hung out by the snack bar and got handouts from all the parents who thought she was hungry. Not a dumb kid!

John was over in Scotland so he missed it, but we took lots of pictures and James called his dad right when we were home to leave a message telling him that all of his art "got sold".

Saturday, March 1, 2014

And then it was Spring! All the snow melted within a few days and it was back up to high 60s and low 70s. The trees and flowers are starting to bloom and James has started asking when our pool will be open. Yep, no confusion here at all.

When the snow melted, it left the ground way too muddy for me - so we spent those days at the kids museum and had a few playdates with friends.

But once everything dried out, we were outside soaking up the sun! I think every park we went throughout the week, we ran into friends - everyone had the same idea.

This is how I usually find James on the playground on warm days - looking like a "Lost Boy" from Peter Pan. No shoes or socks, covered in dirt and in a bush. I can't even count all the socks he has lost there - buried in the sand or stuck in a tree.

Madeleine loves playing at James' school after pickup, and always gets just as dirty as her brother -  but at least she keeps all her clothes on!