Saturday, March 1, 2014

And then it was Spring! All the snow melted within a few days and it was back up to high 60s and low 70s. The trees and flowers are starting to bloom and James has started asking when our pool will be open. Yep, no confusion here at all.

When the snow melted, it left the ground way too muddy for me - so we spent those days at the kids museum and had a few playdates with friends.

But once everything dried out, we were outside soaking up the sun! I think every park we went throughout the week, we ran into friends - everyone had the same idea.

This is how I usually find James on the playground on warm days - looking like a "Lost Boy" from Peter Pan. No shoes or socks, covered in dirt and in a bush. I can't even count all the socks he has lost there - buried in the sand or stuck in a tree.

Madeleine loves playing at James' school after pickup, and always gets just as dirty as her brother -  but at least she keeps all her clothes on!

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