Monday, November 24, 2014

Photo dump

On Veteran's Day, James' school had their Fall Feast - which is basically a big potluck and the whole family gets to come spend the day at school. It is always a lot of fun and this year the weather was so beautiful and everyone was having such a wonderful time that instead of it ending at 1, many families stayed until 3!

At the kids museum down the street, there is a huge art room - which my kids will stay in for hours! They can glue and paint and make a huge mess without anyone getting in their way :)

James wrote his first official letter to Santa! "Dear Santa, I really want Lego with the polar bear. Love, James". Cant get any better than that! Now he just has a few weeks to wait...

Last week was really cold, the news even said we were colder than North Dakota! That just isn't right. The kids and I spent most of the evenings snuggled under a blanket on the couch watching movies... no one wanted to do anything in that kinda weather. Thanks goodness it is already back in the 70s!  
This is my weekly Costco shopping partner, Leila, and her daughter, Rachel. We take the girls together while our boys are at school and make a whole morning out of it. You know you are an adult when going to Costco is the highlight of your week!

I watched our neighbor's almost 2 year old boy last week. Madeleine was in love. She would take his hand and lead him everywhere. Poor kid didn't know what to do about it, so he just followed her lead!

Last week, Madeleine and I had to go to Hobby Lobby and get two big canvases for a project I'm working on, and decided to check out World Market right next store. Turns out they had a love seat that I just couldn't pass up... and of course this was all right before I had to pick James up from school! I ended up having to ask a friend to drive James home for me.

Friday, November 21, 2014

School pictures from James' second year of preschool at The Children's Schoolhouse

The little man that made me a Mama is growing up way too fast!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Photo dump

The weekend before Halloween, a friend of James and Madeleine had her birthday party - and it was Halloweed themed. Which meant all the kids got to wear their costumes! They loved it :)

Madeleine loves shopping at Costco with me... cant you tell? ;)

This is what James' face looks like almost every day when I pick him up from school. I know he doesn't eat dirt... but I have no idea how he gets his face covered in it!

We carved pumpkins - which officially started the countdown to Trick or Treating for James (does he look excited?)! I am a terrible carver, and John is even worse... so this year we ended up using cookie cutters. We let the kids pick out what they wanted and then we held the cutters while they swung a rubber hammer. It worked out actually really well! Much easier and faster - plus the kids got to help which  they loved.
My friend made us cupcakes last week, which was very nice of her - but turns out they were dairy free cupcakes. They were a little thick and hard to swallow!

We went with a friend to IHOP on Halloween and the kids got to make scary pumpkins! They thought it was the coolest thing. I was reminded though why I haven't been back to IHOP since college...

We have a new Publix by our house now, I love it! Madeleine does too because they have shopping carts that are just her size. And they actually hold a good amount of food so she usually gets to push the cart on our Publix trips :)

I love how she can still just fall asleep in the car. I wish someone would drive me around so I could take a nap!

There is this HUGE antique warehouse that John and I love to go to. That's where I get all my fabric and where we find all of our random things we use for projects or knick knacks. However it is so big that they kids get tired and bored when we go - so we have to bring the wagon and things to entertain them. John and I can literally spend hours there just walking up and down the aisles.

And since they kids are such good sports while we shop, we  hit up Steak and Shake for milkshakes :)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Have I mentioned how into dinosaurs James is lately? Everything is dinosaurs. All. The. Time. Somehow, Halloween was on his radar 3 months ago and he told me (and anyone who would listen) that he was going to be an allosaurus, which is his favorite dinosaur. To me, an allosaurus is basically a T-Rex. But to James, there are some seriously big differences. So finding a costume that could pass as an allosaurus (that wasn't obviously a T-Rex) became a three month journey. Fortunately, when we were in Ohio earlier this month.... we found one! And James has been begging to wear it every day since. He has been practicing his roar for months - and of course, there are different kinds of roars. Just ask him!

Madeleine, on the other hand, just wanted to wear a tutu. So she was the tooth fairy. Did you know that the tooth fairy roars too? Just ask her!

Check out that tail!

Demonstrating the proper way to roar.

Dinosaur kisses!

We only went Trick or Treating for about an hour, but that was plenty. Their buckets were full and they were so happy. We got home, they dug through their booty to find the best pieces and then they crashed hard!
Madeleine actually fell asleep before I could even tuck her in! She got her book, climbed in bed and while I was helping James, she fell fast asleep. I think that means it was a successful night :)

Happy Halloween!!