Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Have I mentioned how into dinosaurs James is lately? Everything is dinosaurs. All. The. Time. Somehow, Halloween was on his radar 3 months ago and he told me (and anyone who would listen) that he was going to be an allosaurus, which is his favorite dinosaur. To me, an allosaurus is basically a T-Rex. But to James, there are some seriously big differences. So finding a costume that could pass as an allosaurus (that wasn't obviously a T-Rex) became a three month journey. Fortunately, when we were in Ohio earlier this month.... we found one! And James has been begging to wear it every day since. He has been practicing his roar for months - and of course, there are different kinds of roars. Just ask him!

Madeleine, on the other hand, just wanted to wear a tutu. So she was the tooth fairy. Did you know that the tooth fairy roars too? Just ask her!

Check out that tail!

Demonstrating the proper way to roar.

Dinosaur kisses!

We only went Trick or Treating for about an hour, but that was plenty. Their buckets were full and they were so happy. We got home, they dug through their booty to find the best pieces and then they crashed hard!
Madeleine actually fell asleep before I could even tuck her in! She got her book, climbed in bed and while I was helping James, she fell fast asleep. I think that means it was a successful night :)

Happy Halloween!!

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