Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Break!

Spring break started with a house full of guests and James birthday party and ended with John leaving for India. It was a crazy fun week filled with lots of activities but wore us all out!
We went out to brunch on Easter with Johns dad and brothers before they all left, it was so nice to have them all here!

And then we had some neighbors over for Easter dinner. We still had the bounce house so all the kids got to jump again!

We also went to our downtown kids library that week with friends - its a really fun library with lots of stuff for the kids to do.

They even had baby triceratops for the kids to play on! And yes, Madeleine is still wearing her Easter dress (but I did wash it!)

We took John bagels one morning and as always James' highlight of visiting John's office is his white board.

James finally let us take the training wheels off his little bike! He did great, its so fun to watch him race around now.

On Friday, the last day John was home before his trip, we all went to the Greensboro Science Center. It is like a mini aquarium/mini zoo/mini museum. It is great for their age.

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