Friday, April 1, 2016

March Madness

Aunt Liz and Uncle Dwight sent Matthias a Waterloo Animal Hospital onesie :)

James wanted to get a Mohawk (do all boys go through that stage where they have this need to get a Mohawk?) but with much convincing from myself and the barber, he agreed to shaving the sides but leaving most of the top alone. Its called a "dapper" haircut and it turned out really cute. And for a bonus, James loves it too.

For the James and Madeleine's spring break, John, being the wonderful husband that he is, offered to take them to Florida so that Matthias and I could have a quiet house for a week. And I said YES! So for 6 whole days, I got lots of uninterrupted baby snuggles!

And the big kids got lots of sun and sand! It was a total win win for everyone.

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