As the school year is starting to come to a close and we are preparing for the crazy schedule of summer, we are enjoying our quiet time when we can find it. Madeleine is having a hard time with the concept of summer break and miss seeing her friends three days a week, hopefully we will be able to see some of her school friends over the summer to soften the blow. James on the other hand is very excited for the end of the school year because that means he will be in First Grade, which makes me cringe. How did he get that old?? However, he thinks that his teachers and classmates wont change next year and no matter what I say or how I try to explain it, he thinks I am wrong. So first day of school for him will be interesting!
Madeleine loves to read to Matthias, she makes up 99% of the words but its good for both of them and I hope this is something that continues.
Matthias is smiling up a storm now. Even though he is our third smiley baby, every smile feels like the first. And now there are 4 of us that crowd around him and oh and ah over it. He probably thinks we are all crazy.
Of course he doesn't smile all the time. He is a Siefert so he's got a good set of lungs on him.
Huntersville had a really fun Spring festival that had rides and music - but it also had a lot of fun science stuff this time!
James LOVES to hold Matthias, but he doesn't always want to be held.
Matthias is still at the age where he will fall asleep in any position whenever he is tired - all of a sudden I will look down and he is passed out!
Madeleine loves to brush and style my hair now - I need to find her a doll that she can use instead!
My mom and Uncle Ross came to visit and meet Matthias for the first time last week!

I cant believe the little man is already 3 months old, it has flown by.
Summer is finally here - and so is the hot hot weather! Good thing all the splash parks are now open.
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