Tuesday, October 25, 2016

James went to the eye doctor and this was his first time getting his eyes dilated! He was a little freaked out that he couldn't really see anything, but then in real 6 year old fashion he embraced it and pretended he was a zombie for the rest of the visit and day.

James and his little group of friends at school made some crazy game up during indoor recess one day, and his teacher was so impressed that she took a picture to send to us. He has really settled into his new school and made the best of the situation.

Madeleine has taken it upon herself to always make sure Matthias has enough toys to play with on the floor. I cant tell if its motherly or just trying to plan ahead start to train him now to only play with his toys and not hers for.

All the public schools and Madeleines preschool didn't have school one day (Poor James did though) so several moms packed up all the kids and took them to IKEA for the day! They have a really fun playroom for the older kids and then after we shopped we got picked the kids up for lunch and ice cream. Very successful no school day for all!

We carpool to James' school with a neighbor - and on the days where it is my turn and John is out of town, Madeleine and Matthias have to go with us. I think Madeleine's face says it all on her thoughts of taking the boys to school.

Teething is the worst. There really isn't much to do about it except lots and lots of frozen blueberries. It is a total mess but it gives him cold yummy relief on those poor gums. He has his two bottom teeth now but his two tops ones are coming too. Hopefully once those pop out, he will get a break before the next bought of teething starts.

On Fridays, we have been meeting a few moms at our local craft beer spor. Yes, I know how that sounds but it is super family friendly and the kids love being able to play. Its right outside our neighborhood and the owner even bought our kids sidewalk chalk so they would feel that they get something there too. Its been a fun little tradition and more and more moms are coming so now there are about a dozen kids on any given Friday afternoon hanging out there!

Just snuggling with his blanket. I tried so hard not to give this one a blanket because the other two are so attached to theirs - but it was either a blanket or me. So he got his blanket.

John had a three week trip (which is also why I haven't posted anything - its been a crazy three weeks) and he came home last week just in time for his birthday. The kids wanted to go all out since they missed him so much. So we made lots of cards and decorations, but the highlight was his birthday cake. John always wants an ice cream cake - so since we couldn't make one of those, the kids shoved as many candles as they could on there. I know it doesn't look like it, but there were close to 30 candles on that cake!

Last Friday, John joined us at the craft bar and brought all the kids frostys. He sure knows how to win them over!

Matthias did not get one, but he got some daddy snuggles while John worked so he was happy!

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