Tuesday, April 25, 2017

These three love to FaceTime with John when he's out of town. The usually fight over the phone but I'm not sure if its to actually talk to their dad or if its to make faces. Either way, John loves it.

James got to wear his favorite sport team to school and of course he picked Ohio State. He has a hand me down jersey that is still way too big but he didn't care!

It has been so nice outside (high 80s) that we planted our garden and new grass seed in the backyard, and now we just hope that the last frost date was wrong! Madeleine loves gardening and she is such a big help.

This is Lucy! She is out first official foster through the Greater Charlotte SPCA. We have volunteered with them for the past few months and have temp fostered a few dogs but she has been so easy and the kids love her so we are going to keep her until we can find her a great home.

This kid! This kid LOVES water. The other two love water but they are nothing compared to Matthias. If he hears the bath or shower running he immediately goes into panic mode that he will not be included. He is constantly trying to make his way out to the front porch to play with his water table and will always pitch a fit when its time to go back inside. I think we will spend a lot of time at the pool this summer.

Last week of Spring break and we didn't do too much but on the last day we took the kids mining. They had the best time and are begging to go back.

Our praying mantis egg hatched! We have let them all go now, but its so fun to see how many there are once the egg hatches. The kids love finding them throughout the garden over the summer. We are going to try and catch one once they grow a little bigger and keep it over the summer.

This is the most relaxed I have ever seen a kid sleep! Love it!

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