I cannot believe you are now 4 years old and living life large. There is a part of you that so very reminds me of Uncle Stephen – Barbies in the playroom, diva-type attitude that takes no hostage, temper tantrums at the drop of a hat and without shame in a public setting but I digress. Perhaps the best comparison to Uncle Stephen is the long beautiful hair you both have – it may have taken him 18 years to grow it to respectable length as yours as is now but let us not be consumed by the details. Perhaps my favorite moments are watching how tough you are. When James was born, your mother and I made a conscious effort to not baby him as he grew up. With you, we were not so sure what to do – but you quickly showed us that you were two-of-a-kind. You hardly need us to pick you up or to be coddled, you are one tough cookie and we love this about you! love your squeaky voice and genuine reaction when I come home from work or from a trip. I hate to say it – and I know your mama will not be happy – but I find your stubbornness and attitude to be quite comical. Some would say this is a fault but between you and I, we will worry about this fault at a later date. It is clear to me that you are very much like your mama and having had to train her for the past 12 years I know we can do the same with you!
I find it weirdly ironic that the things that James does that upset me, make me laugh when you do them. I am not sure why but who gives a shit, between your mom and I we can play good cop (dad) and bad cop (mom). Let’s be honest – since you cannot read yet – I will say this, you can do no wrong in my eyes, and I recognize that this is a danger for me. I realize that I must tread carefully, because a 13 year old Madeleine with no boundaries is a recipe for disaster… I will prepare for this day eventually – but now is not the time. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about the love you have for your older brother – you two are such good friends and so much so that many observers ask if you two are twins. I am jealous of this bond you two have – my brothers and I were spread so far apart that is was difficult for us to have a similar bond at such a young age. Thus, I can tell you that the most important part of my letter to you on this 4th birthday of yours is to never lose your bond with James, it is utterly priceless and makes me smile each and every day.
It is amazing to watch your growth and innate sense of care – James wants nothing to do with changing Matthias’ diapers or his clothes but you are ever so attentive to Matthias’ every need and ever so willing help. Your mother and I appreciate these little things and are grateful that you want to mother your younger brother. As the middle child you will have perhaps the most difficult path of all, but you have the attitude and demeanor to take it on at 100 miles per hour. Rest assured little girl, we will always be here for you and will guide you along the way. No matter what you may think of us, no matter what happens as you grow up, no matter the trials and tribulations presented before you or the difficulties you may have in our relationship, never forget the bond you have with James and never look past the need that Matthias will have for an older sibling to guide him along. Your path is set sweet pea and while it will not be easy, it is there for you to conquer much in the same way you destroy your room every night. It pains me to think that this day marks a timeframe in which you are ~20% closer to being moved out of this house and onto your next phase of life. Nevertheless, today marks a momentous day for you – the big 4 – one step closer to kindergarten, your mother balling her eyes out and your daddy ever so proud of how far you have come. On this 4th birthday let us celebrate the fact that still you are so very unique in the Siefert Family Chain – the only granddaughter and only girl in the immediate family. Your mother and I love you ever so much and cannot wait to watch you grow into your unique role in this family. On this 4th birthday we love you, and are so very thankful to be blessed with a wonderful and beautiful daughter with an attitude and personality to fill the room! Madeleine Sue, your mother and I wish you an-ever-so-happy 4th!
Love Always, Your Daddy
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