Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Summer fun

James loves those kits where you dig out dinosaur bones and then you get to put them together. Through lots of trial and error, we finally found a brand that takes him more than 5 minutes to dig all the bones out. He loves the challenge almost as much as I hate all the dust. But its a good outdoor activity for him.

Baby snuggles!

Our neighborhood annual pool party - always a good time!

Madeleine loves crazy leggings - and so I got her a couple of pairs of LuLaRoe leggings. Never heard of them? Me neither until a few weeks ago but they have been a big hit and apparently they are a huge thing that I totally missed!

Matthias is officially sitting in his highchair and eating solids. He has only had sweet potatoes and bananas but both have been a huge hit.

There have been several times when Matthias falls asleep like this - and well, its pretty hilarious.

Matthias loves the water just as much as the other two.

The last week in June, I took the kids up to Columbus. It was a fun quick trip.

The last few days, we stayed with one of my best friends Leanna and her family. Her boys Max and Zak are such good friends with James and Madeleine and they always have the best time together.

One of the days we took the kids to the zoo - the Columbus zoo is so much fun!

This was our last night, and they were all pooped! It was also the only picture I was able to get of all five of them... and four of them didn't even know I was in the room!

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